12} How can I rename all my .JPG files sequentially in a folder?
is an instructive task, so let's go through it in several
intermediate steps. First consider
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
set count_=1
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in (
'dir /s /b /-c /a:-d-s-h /o:n
"C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\*.jpg"') do (
call :_subru1 "%%~f")
echo End of the first test
endlocal & goto :EOF
echo %count_% "%~d1" "%~p1" "%~n1" "%~x1"
set /a count_+=1
goto :EOF
(As a sideline note how the FOR /F command can be continued onto
several lines.)
A screen capture would turn out something like below to demonstrate
some of the ~ modifiers on variables. The example also
demonstrates incrementing the value of an environment variable
(count_) in a loop-like manner. Furthermore observe the handling of
the possibility of long file names.
1 "C:" "\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\" "ABSORB scaled" ".JPG"
2 "C:" "\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\" "ABSORB" ".JPG"
4 "C:" "\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\" "CATEYE scaled" ".JPG"
5 "C:" "\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\" "CATEYE" ".JPG"
6 "C:" "\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\" "CRESBAG scaled" ".JPG"
8 "C:" "\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\" "CRESCE2 scaled" ".JPG"
9 "C:" "\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\" "CRESCE2" ".JPG"
10 "C:" "\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\" "CRESCEN scaled" ".JPG"
84 "C:" "\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\" "TimoSalmi 60v" ".jpg"
85 "C:" "\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\" "TimoSalmi 70x100" ".jpg"
86 "C:" "\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\" "WELLGO" ".JPG"
End of the first test
LIMITATIONS: One of the things that we immediately observe is that
all potential subfolders are included.
If you use paths in the way I did in the above, then you must include
the all subfolders switch /s to get at the correct full path.
Alternatively, you could drop the /s but then you must run the
script in the folder where your relevant *.JPG files are. Else you
will get incorrect paths. See
later below.
A word for warning. It would be advisable to
avoid having "poison characters"
&()[]{}^=;!'+,`~ in one's
file names when one processes them with command line scripting.
Next step. Let's be prudent and not do the actual renaming but
instead create the scripts commands for the purpose:
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
set count_=1
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in (
'dir /s /b /-c /a:-d-s-h /o:n
"C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\*.jpg"') do (
call :_subru1 "%%~f")
echo End of the second test
endlocal & goto :EOF
set dr_=%~d1& set pth_=%~p1& set base_=%~n1& set ext_=%~x1
echo @ren "%dr_%%pth_%%base_%%ext_%" "%base_%.%count_%%ext_%"
set /a count_+=1
goto :EOF
(If you are wondering about the ampersand
it just is to demonstrate putting several commands on one line.)
We would get
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\ABSORB scaled.JPG" "ABSORB scaled.1.JPG"
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\CATEYE scaled.JPG" "CATEYE scaled.4.JPG"
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\CRESBAG scaled.JPG" "CRESBAG scaled.6.JPG"
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\CRESCE2 scaled.JPG" "CRESCE2 scaled.8.JPG"
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\CRESCEN scaled.JPG" "CRESCEN scaled.10.JPG"
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\TimoSalmi 60v.jpg" "TimoSalmi 60v.84.jpg"
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\TimoSalmi 70x100.jpg" "TimoSalmi 70x100.85.jpg"
End of the second test
OK, but that is not quite all what we want. Let's polish by adding
leading zeroes so that the added number always is four digits long.
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
set count_=1
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in (
'dir /s /b /-c /a:-d-s-h /o:n
"C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\*.jpg"') do (
call :_subru1 "%%~f")
echo rem End of the concluding test
endlocal & goto :EOF
set dr_=%~d1
set pth_=%~p1
set base_=%~n1
set ext_=%~x1
set CountWithLead=0000%count_%
set CountWithLead=%CountWithLead:~-4%
echo @ren "%dr_%%pth_%%base_%%ext_%" "%base_%.%countWithLead%%ext_%"
set /a count_+=1
goto :EOF
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\ABSORB scaled.JPG" "ABSORB scaled.0001.JPG"
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\CATEYE scaled.JPG" "CATEYE scaled.0004.JPG"
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\CRESBAG scaled.JPG" "CRESBAG scaled.0006.JPG"
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\CRESCE2 scaled.JPG" "CRESCE2 scaled.0008.JPG"
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\CRESCEN scaled.JPG" "CRESCEN scaled.0010.JPG"
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\TimoSalmi 60v.jpg" "TimoSalmi 60v.0084.jpg"
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\TimoSalmi 70x100.jpg" "TimoSalmi 70x100.0085.jpg"
rem End of the concluding test
One further step. Rewrite the above more concisely. The added
advantage is that this version is more tolerant of the
poison characters.
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
set count_=1
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in (
'dir /s /b /-c /a:-d-s-h /o:n
"C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\*.jpg"') do (
call :_subru1 "%%~f")
echo rem End of the concluding test
endlocal & goto :EOF
set CountWithLead=0000%count_%
set CountWithLead=%CountWithLead:~-4%
echo @ren "%~d1%~p1%~n1%~x1" "%~n1.%countWithLead%%~x1"
set /a count_+=1
goto :EOF
Now there you have it. Just redirect the output to a command file, and
you are all set to do the renaming, maybe after some editing of your own
of the resultant command line file.
C:\_D\TEST>cmdfaq > DOIT.CMD
Now let's do the same task, but this time
omit any subfolders.
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
set dir_=C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2
if not exist "%dir_%\" (
echo Folder "%dir_%\" not found
goto :EOF)
pushd "%dir_%"
set count_=1
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in (
'dir /b /a:-d-s-h /o:n "*.jpg"') do (
call :_subru1 "%%~f")
endlocal & goto :EOF
set CountWithLead=0000%count_%
set CountWithLead=%CountWithLead:~-4%
echo @ren "%~d1%~p1%~n1%~x1" "%~n1.%countWithLead%%~x1"
set /a count_+=1
goto :EOF
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\ABSORB scaled.JPG" "ABSORB scaled.0001.JPG"
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\CATEYE scaled.JPG" "CATEYE scaled.0004.JPG"
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\CRESBAG scaled.JPG" "CRESBAG scaled.0006.JPG"
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\CRESCE2 scaled.JPG" "CRESCE2 scaled.0008.JPG"
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\CRESCEN scaled.JPG" "CRESCEN scaled.0010.JPG"
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\TimoSalmi 60v.jpg" "TimoSalmi 60v.0084.jpg"
@ren "C:\_G\WWW\~TS\GALLERY2\TimoSalmi 70x100.jpg" "TimoSalmi 70x100.0085.jpg"
The problem can also be solved with a Visual
Basic Script (VBScript) aided command line script
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
:: Set the source folder and check that it contains .JPG files
set SourceDir=C:\_M
if not exist "%SourceDir%\*.
JPG" (
echo No .JPG files found in "%SourceDir%"
goto :EOF)
:: Build a Visual Basic Script
set skip=
set temp_=%temp%
if defined mytemp if exist "%mytemp%\" set temp_=%mytemp%
set vbs_=%temp_%\tmp$$$.vbs
>"%vbs_%" findstr "'%skip%VBS" "%~f0"
:: Run the script with Microsoft Windows Script Host Version 5.6
cscript //nologo "%vbs_%" "%SourceDir%"
:: Clean up
for %%f in ("%vbs_%") do if exist %%f del %%f
endlocal & goto :EOF
'The Visual Basic Script
Set arg = WScript.Arguments 'VBS
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'VBS
Set f = fso.GetFolder(arg(0)) 'VBS
Set fc = f.Files 'VBS
Set i=0 'VBS
For Each f1 in fc 'VBS
extension = fso.GetExtensionName(f1) 'VBS
If UCase(extension) = "
JPG" Then 'VBS
i = i + 1 'VBS
s = "rem @ren " & Chr(34) 'VBS
s = s & f1 & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) 'VBS
basename = fso.GetBaseName(f1) 'VBS
s = s & basename 'VBS
s = s & PadFn(CStr(i),
4) 'VBS
s = s & "." & extension & Chr(34) 'VBS
Wscript.Echo s 'VBS
End If 'VBS
Next 'VBS
Function PadFn (str, n) 'VBS
PadFn = Right(String(n-1,"0")&str,n) 'VBS
End Function 'VBS
The (double safety) output might be e.g. the following. It can be
redirected to a new batch file which in turn can be run after one is
convinced that it is exactly what one wants.
rem @ren "C:\_M\ABSORB.JPG" "ABSORB0001.JPG"
rem @ren "C:\_M\bikemir.jpg" "bikemir0002.jpg"
rem @ren "C:\_M\CATEYE.JPG" "CATEYE0003.JPG"
rem @ren "C:\_M\CRESBAG.JPG" "CRESBAG0004.JPG"
rem @ren "C:\_M\PEUGBAG.JPG" "PEUGBAG0005.JPG"
rem @ren "C:\_M\PEUGEOT.JPG" "PEUGEOT0006.JPG"
rem @ren "C:\_M\PRPUMP.JPG" "PRPUMP0007.JPG"
rem @ren "C:\_M\SKATES.JPG" "SKATES0008.JPG"
rem @ren "C:\_M\SKIEQUIP.JPG" "SKIEQUIP0009.JPG"
rem @ren "C:\_M\SONYRAD.JPG" "SONYRAD0010.JPG"
rem @ren "C:\_M\TACX.JPG" "TACX0011.JPG"
rem @ren "C:\_M\WELLGO.JPG" "WELLGO0012.JPG"
original question [
and the consequent thread in
which prompted me to add the VBS-aided solution was
"I am attempting to rename a large amount of files using a sequence,
i.e.,...I want the files renamed to FILE1.DOC, FILE2.DOC, etc.... any
way I can rename about 400 files automatically in a sequence as
To do exactly that, the required changes in the code above are
minimal. Change JPG to DOC (the two instances) and change
basename = fso.GetBaseName(f1) 'VBS
basename = "FILE" 'VBS
We might then have an output something like
rem @ren "C:\_M\OFFISUNS.DOC" "FILE0001.DOC"
rem @ren "C:\_M\OFFIVIEW.DOC" "FILE0002.DOC"
is a true-life pure script I occasionally apply myself:
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
echo @rem +----------------------------------------------------+
echo @rem : JPGRENAM.CMD Special rename a set of *.jpg files :
echo @rem : By Prof. Timo Salmi, Last modified Fri 26-Sep-2008 :
echo @rem +----------------------------------------------------+
echo @rem
:: Avoid multiple calls of the script. Also see Item #18 CheckLock.
if exist "%temp%\jpgrenamLockfile.tmp" (
echo An instance of JPGRENAM.CMD already is running
echo If this is in error delete the lockfile
echo "%temp%\jpgrenamLockfile.tmp"
if not defined cmdbox if defined PauseIfFromDesktop pause
goto :EOF
echo Lockfile "%temp%\jpgrenamLockfile.tmp" for JPGRENAM.CMD>"%temp%\jpgrenamLockfile.tmp"
:: Parameters, customize the first for your own folder
set sourceFolder=C:\_M
set Basename=%~1
set Number=1
if not "%~2"=="" set Number=%~2
:: Is help needed
if "%~1"=="" goto _help
if "%~1"=="?" goto _help
if "%~1"=="/?" goto _help
if /i "%~1"=="/help" goto _help
:: Any files there?
if not exist "%sourceFolder%\*.JPG" (
echo No JPG files found in "%sourceFolder%"
goto _out
:: Process
pushd "%sourceFolder%"
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in ('
dir /b /a-d-s "%sourceFolder%\*.jpg"') do (
call :ProcessOneFile "%%~ff")
echo @dir /b /a-d-s "%sourceFolder%\%Basename%*.jpg"
goto _out
echo Usage: JPGRENAM [NewBasename] [NewStartNumber]
echo E.g. JPGRENAM Photo 20
echo JPGRENAM Pict ^> Doit.cmd
goto _out
for %%f in ("%temp%\jpgrenamLockfile.tmp") do if exist %%f del %%f
if not defined cmdbox if defined PauseIfFromDesktop pause
endlocal & goto :EOF
:: ================================================================
set NumberWithLead=000%Number%
set NumberWithLead=%NumberWithLead:~-3%
echo @ren "%~nx1" "%Basename%%NumberWithLead%%~x1"
set /a Number+=1
goto :EOF
An example screen capture:
Consider the following, true situation. Fifteen digital photographs
taken on the 3rd of October, 2011. Named as follows
where the last two characters run sequentially. The task is increase
the sequential number of the photographs by one. (In fact, to make room
for a new
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set base_=IMG_20111003_
for /L %%i in (15, -1, 2) do (
set n1_=%%i
set /a n2_=!n1_!-1
call :LeadFn2 !n1_! n1_
call :LeadFn2 !n2_! n2_
rem The echo below is for safety
echo ren %base_%!n2_!.JPG %base_%!n1_!.JPG)
endlocal & goto :EOF
setlocal enableextensions
set number_=00%1
set number_=%number_:~-2%
endlocal & set "%2=%number_%" & goto :EOF
The output will be:
ren IMG_20111003_15.JPG IMG_20111003_16.JPG
ren IMG_20111003_14.JPG IMG_20111003_15.JPG
ren IMG_20111003_02.JPG IMG_20111003_03.JPG
ren IMG_20111003_01.JPG IMG_20111003_02.JPG
Note how the sequencing has been programmed to run backwards to avoid
renaming collisions.
You might wish to see also
Item #107
Item #178.