1} How to get today's date elements into environment variables?
The undisputed mother of all Command Line Interface (CLI) cmd.exe
questions. Asked in several formats, one of the most common being
how can I augment the date (and even the
time) to be a part of my file's (or folder's) name? This
alternative question is practically equivalent since the best first
step is to get the date elements into environment variables and then
utilize those in the task. For renaming files with information added
see e.g.
Item #12.
The easiest and most portable solution across different country
configurations is simply to call DATET.CMD which comes as a part the
FAQ package tscmd.zip.
That option utilizes Visual Basic scripting, but you do not need to
concern yourself with any of the details. Running DATET.CMD will set
for you the following environment variables
Note: If you run DATET.CMD from within another CMD.EXE script, do not forget
to use CALL to invoke.
There is an alternative version DATEG.CMD in tscmd.zip which utilizes
UnxUtils GnuAWK instead of Visual Basic
scripting. Else than that it works exactly the same way.
But on to the actual FAQ:
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
rem Method 1a:
:: The date presentation assumes the order DD.MM.YYYY (else customize)
:: mode con: codepage select=850
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=./-" %%f in ("
%date%") do (
set today_=%%h%%g%%f
set dd_=%%f
set mm_=%%g
set yyyy_=%%h)
echo %today_%
echo dd_=%dd_% mm_=%mm_% yyyy_=%yyyy_%
:: Clean up for the next test (superfluous because of setlocal/endlocal)
for %%v in (today_ dd_ mm_ yyyy_) do set %%v=
endlocal & goto :EOF
The output could be e.g.
dd_=16 mm_=03 yyyy_=2004
A diversion: Contrary to the usual CMD line programming, a for loop is
case-sensivive. Try out the following snippet to see the difference
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
for /f %%g in ("C:\_D\TEST\CMDFAQ.CMD") do (
echo %%g
echo %%G)
endlocal & goto :EOF
Back to the task at hand. Method 1b: A slight variation of Method 1a.
Kok Yong Lee posed the following question in microsoft.public.win2000.cmdprompt.admin
"I was trying to setup a routine backup of my data with the day of
backup as the name of file. For example
wzzip 24_03_2006.zip Z:\data\*.*
Currently DATE /t on my machine return "24/03/2006"
I been messing about with the ideas of using the | in order to
retrieve the results from "DATE /t" and then feed it to wzzip as
input by to avail. Any one care to shed some light on this?"
I'll give the custom code. Assume that DATE /T gives 24.03.2006
The outcome can differ between locales. (For an advanced option on
getting date format information see
Item #165.)
But if the format is that (or 24/03/2006) then
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
:: Get the date elements, allow for three different separators
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=./-" %%f in ('
date /t') do (
set today_=%%h%%g%%f
set dd_=%%f
set mm_=%%g
set yyyy_=%%h)
:: Remove this method's potential trailing space from the year
set yyyy_=
:: An extra precaution which may be unnecessary
:: See to it that days 1-9 will always have a leading zero
set dd_=
set dd_=
:: When you are sure, remove the echo precaution from the next line
echo wzzip %dd_%_%mm_%_%yyyy_%.zip Z:\data\*.*
endlocal & goto :EOF
Testing this script one will get
wzzip 24_03_2006.zip Z:\data\*.*
20060324.zip would make
more sense (sort better), but that is beside the current issue.
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
rem Method 2:
mode con: cp select=850>nul
set dd_=
set mm_=
set yyyy_=
echo dd_=%dd_% mm_=%mm_% yyyy_=%yyyy_%
endlocal & goto :EOF
The output might be e.g.
dd_=16 mm_=11 yyyy_=2003
However, in the above option one assumes that the day and the month
always are two digits long, i.e. a leading zero is present when
necessary. (For more on this see the code of method 1b and the
Item #16
about the time.) At the same time note the substring denotation
syntax. It is
%var_:~Start,Count% where
the Start commences at 0, not the perhaps more customary 1. I.e. the
index of the first character is 0.
If one wants to be hyper-careful, then
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
rem Method 2b:
mode con: cp select=850>nul
set date_=%date%
set dd_=%date_:~0,2%
set mm_=%date_:~3,2%
set yyyy_=%date_:~6,4%
echo dd_=%dd_% mm_=%mm_% yyyy_=%yyyy_%
endlocal & goto :EOF
Also see
Item #11.
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
rem Method 3:
for /f "tokens=5-8 delims=.-/ " %%a in (
'echo.^|date^|find "current"') do (
set dd_=%%a
set mm_=%%b
set yyyy_=%%c
echo dd_=%dd_% mm_=%mm_% yyyy_=%yyyy_%
for /f "tokens=5-8 delims=.-/: " %%a in (
'echo.^|time^|find "current"') do (
set hh_=%%a
set mn_=%%b
set ss_=%%c
echo hh_=%hh_% mn_=%mn_% ss_=%ss_%
endlocal & goto :EOF
The output might be e.g.
dd_=11 mm_=10 yyyy_=2006
hh_=23 mn_=07 ss_=09
are (confusingly) identified by a leading zero. Therefore
consider carefully when wish to have the leading zero and when you
might wish to
drop it.
For example, if you add at the end of the above code
set /a ssplus1_=%ss_%+1
you'll get
dd_=11 mm_=10 yyyy_=2006
hh_=23 mn_=07 ss_=09
Invalid number. Numeric constants are either decimal (17),
hexadecimal (0x11), or octal (021).
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
rem Method 4: (with time)
rem Assuming locale dependent date format DD.MM.YYYY
rem 24-hour time format H:MN:SS
rem Else customize
set date_=%date%
set time_=%time%
set yyyy_=%date_:~6,4%
set mm_=%date_:~3,2%
set dd_=%date_:~0,2%
set mn_=%time_:~3,2%
set hh_=%time_:~0,2%
set hh_=0%hh_: =%
set hh_=%hh_:~-2%
echo %yyyy_%%mm_%%dd_%%hh_%%mn_%
endlocal & goto :EOF
The output might be e.g.
The problem can also be solved with a Visual Basic Script
aided command line script. It is much more complicated, but it has
the advantage of being more stable, i.e. less region dependent than
the pure CMD.EXE solutions. With addition to the date elements also
the time elements are included for demonstration.
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
:: Make a temporary folder
if not exist c:\mytemp mkdir c:\mytemp
:: Build a Visual Basic Script (the skip variable prevents the findstr row finding itself)
set skip=
findstr "'%skip%VBS" "%~f0" > c:\mytemp\tmp$$$.vbs
:: Run it with Microsoft Windows Script Host Version 5.6
cscript //nologo c:\mytemp\tmp$$$.vbs
:: Call the command line script which the script host built
call c:\mytemp\tmp$$$.cmd
:: Clean up
for %%f in (c:\mytemp\tmp$$$.vbs c:\mytemp\tmp$$$.cmd) do (
if exist %%f del %%f)
rmdir c:\mytemp
:: Show the results
echo Date by %%date%% %date%
echo Time by %%time%% %time%
echo dd_=%dd_%
echo mm_=%mm_%
echo yyyy_=%yyyy_%
echo hh_=%hh_%
echo mi_=%mi_%
echo ss_=%ss_%
endlocal & goto :EOF
'The Visual Basic Script
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8 'VBS
Dim DateNow, TimeNow, fso, f 'VBS
DateNow = Date 'VBS
TimeNow = Time 'VBS
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'VBS
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("c:\mytemp\tmp$$$.cmd", ForWriting, True) 'VBS
f.WriteLine "@set dd_=" & Right(0 & DatePart("d", DateNow), 2) 'VBS
f.WriteLine "@set mm_=" & Right(0 & DatePart("m", DateNow), 2) 'VBS
f.WriteLine "@set yyyy_=" & DatePart("yyyy", DateNow) 'VBS
f.WriteLine "@set hh_=" & Right(0 & DatePart("h", TimeNow), 2) 'VBS
f.WriteLine "@set mi_=" & Right(0 & DatePart("n", TimeNow), 2) 'VBS
f.WriteLine "@set ss_=" & Right(0 & DatePart("s", TimeNow), 2) 'VBS
f.Close 'VBS
An example of the output
Date by %date% 16.03.2004
Time by %time% 8:27:15.47
In the above "Whenever an expression is not a string, it is
converted to a String subtype". So we could as well have e.g.
Right("0" & DatePart("d", DateNow), 2)
A more concise presentation
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
set vbs_=%temp%\tmp.vbs
echo FixedNow=Now>"%vbs_%"
echo WScript.Echo Right(0 ^& Day(FixedNow), 2) ^&" "^& ^
Right(0 ^& Month(FixedNow), 2) ^&" "^& ^
Year(FixedNow) ^&" "^& ^
Right(0 ^& Hour(FixedNow), 2) ^&" "^& ^
Right(0 ^& Minute(FixedNow), 2) ^&" "^& ^
Right(0 ^& Second(FixedNow), 2) >> "%vbs_%"
cscript //nologo "%vbs_%"
for %%f in ("%vbs_%") do if exist %%f del %%f
endlocal & goto :EOF
The output might be e.g.
22 10 2006 12 57 26
Another way of writing a VBScript solution
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
>"%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs" echo WScript.Echo Day(Date)
for /f %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs"') do set dd_=%%a
>"%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs" echo WScript.Echo Right(0 ^& DatePart("d", Date), 2)
for /f %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs"') do set dd_=%%a
>"%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs" echo WScript.Echo Right(0 ^& DatePart("m", Date), 2)
for /f %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs"') do set mm_=%%a
>"%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs" echo WScript.Echo DatePart("yyyy", Date)
for /f %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs"') do set yyyy_=%%a
>"%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs" echo WScript.Echo Right(0 ^& DatePart("h", Time), 2)
for /f %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs"') do set hh_=%%a
>"%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs" echo WScript.Echo Right(0 ^& DatePart("n", Time), 2)
for /f %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs"') do set mi_=%%a
>"%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs" echo WScript.Echo Right(0 ^& DatePart("s", Time), 2)
for /f %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs"') do set ss_=%%a
for %%f in ("%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs") do if exist %%f del %%f
:: Demonstrate the result
echo dd_=%dd_%
echo mm_=%mm_%
echo yyyy_=%yyyy_%
echo hh_=%hh_%
echo mi_=%mi_%
echo ss_=%ss_%
endlocal & goto :EOF
The output could be e.g.
There is still another Visual Basic Script (
aided command line solution formulation in
Item #10 to demonstrate command
scripting modularity and
FOR loops which
you should take a look at.
Q: Ok, fine and dandy. But how do I get the day of the week into an
environment variable?
This can be solved e.g. with G(nu)AWK as follows
@echo off
for /f %%d in ('gawk "BEGIN{printf\"%%s\n\",strftime(\"%%A\")}"') do (
set wd_=%%d)
echo %wd_%
The output might be e.g.
However, there is a complication.
The above will only work on 32-bit Windows, not on a 64-bit!
(For testing your current bit status in a script file, see
#Item 187.)
You have to get a 32-bit
G(nu)AWK. And
let's rename it to unxgawk.exe for distinction (as we do all
throughout this FAQ collection). The solution below will work both for
32 and 64 bits.
@echo off
for /f "usebackq" %%d in (`unxgawk "BEGIN{printf\"%%s\n\",strftime(\"%%A\")}"`) do (
set wd_=%%d)
echo Today is %wd_%
goto :EOF
(The useful usebackq-trick is used here for demonstration, only. It is
not required in this particular solution.)
Q: Ok, but how about the number of the week?
It is up to seeing a G(nu)AWK documentation. In this case the
formatting argument is "V" instead of the "A". For better backwards
compatibility, let's use an alternative trick for putting the
value into the environment variable.
gawk 'BEGIN{printf"@set wk_=%%s\n",strftime("%%V")}'>"%temp%\tmp$$$.bat"
for %%c in (call del) do %%c "%temp%\tmp$$$.bat"
echo The week number is = %wk_%
set wk_=
Note that there are different week number options and standards. See
Item #70.
Also see
Item #149
for code alternatives. To add to the confusion, the "unxgawk" solution
@echo off
unxgawk "BEGIN{printf\"@set wk_=%%s\n\",strftime(\"%%W\")}">"%temp%\tmp$$$.bat"
for %%c in (call del) do %%c "%temp%\tmp$$$.bat"
set /a wk_+=1
echo The week number is = %wk_%
set wk_=
Q: Ok, but how about the number of the day (1-366)?
Using VBScript
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
:: Make a temporary folder
if not exist c:\mytemp mkdir c:\mytemp
:: Build a Visual Basic Script
findstr "'%skip%VBS" "%~f0" > c:\mytemp\tmp$$$.vbs
:: Run it with Microsoft Windows Script Host Version 5.6
cscript //nologo c:\mytemp\tmp$$$.vbs
:: Call the command line script the script host built
call c:\mytemp\tmp$$$.cmd
:: Clean up
for %%f in (c:\mytemp\tmp$$$.vbs c:\mytemp\tmp$$$.cmd) do if exist %%f del %%f
rmdir c:\mytemp
:: Show the result
echo Day Number dn_=%dn_%
endlocal & goto :EOF
'The Visual Basic Script
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8 'VBS
Dim DateNow, fso, f 'VBS
DateNow = Date 'VBS
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'VBS
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("c:\mytemp\tmp$$$.cmd", ForWriting, True) 'VBS
f.Write "@set dn_=" & DatePart("y", DateNow) 'VBS
f.Close 'VBS
Alternatively, much more concisely
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
if not exist c:\mytemp mkdir c:\mytemp
echo>c:\mytemp\tmp$$$.vbs WScript.Echo DatePart("y", Date)
for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo c:\mytemp\tmp$$$.vbs') do set dn_=%%n
for %%f in (c:\mytemp\tmp$$$.vbs) do if exist %%f del %%f
rmdir c:\mytemp
echo Day Number dn_=%dn_%
endlocal & goto :EOF
An output example:
C:\_D\TEST>echo %date%
Day Number dn_=143
an application needing today's date. Say we wish to find
all the files made today in a folder:
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
for %%f in ("c:\mytest\*.*") do (
echo "%%~tf" | find "%date%" > nul
if !errorlevel! EQU 0 echo %%~tf %%~zf "%%~ff"
endlocal & goto :EOF
Incidentally, for demonstration, that can be written with an
alternative syntax, not needing the enabledelayedexpansion
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
for %%f in ("d:\bas\*.*") do (
echo "%%~tf" | find "%date%" > nul && echo %%~tf %%~zf "%%~ff"
endlocal & goto :EOF
or, finding the files NOT made today
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
for %%f in ("c:\mytest\*.*") do (
echo "%%~tf" | find "%date%" > nul || echo %%~tf %%~zf "%%~ff"
endlocal & goto :EOF
For more on the conditional processing symbol
| | see (give the command):
hh ntcmds.chm::/ntcmds_shelloverview.htm
(Dropped after XP but, you can copy the following
files from your old XP system: ntcmds.chm ntdef.chm Uabrand.gif
or visit Microsoft's
Command shell overview.)
Back to getting the date and time. An advanced script method. Note,
however, that the WMIC (Windows Management Instrumentation
Command-Line Utility) is only available since XP, and might require
special privileges.
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
for /f "tokens=* skip=1" %%i in ('wmic OS Get LocalDateTime') do (
set LocalDateTime=%%i)
echo LocalDateTime: %LocalDateTime%
set year_=%LocalDateTime:~0,4%
set month_=%LocalDateTime:~4,2%
set day_=%LocalDateTime:~6,2%
set hour_=%LocalDateTime:~8,2%
set minute_=%LocalDateTime:~10,2%
set second_=%LocalDateTime:~12,2%
set sec100_=%LocalDateTime:~15,3%
set tz_=%LocalDateTime:~21,5%
set tz_=%tz_: =%
echo year_ %year_%
echo month_ %month_%
echo day_ %day_%
echo hour_ %hour_%
echo minute_ %minute_%
echo second_ %second_%
echo sec100_ %sec100_%
echo tz_ %tz_%
endlocal & goto :EOF
The output might be e.g.
LocalDateTime: 20060806213955.468000+180
year_ 2006
month_ 08
day_ 06
hour_ 21
minute_ 39
second_ 55
sec100_ 468
tz_ +180.
A reasonably locale-independent date elements' extraction with XP
cmd.exe with no third-party utilities involved:
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
:: Still debugging?
set debug=true
:: Get the date from the first line of the date command
for /f "tokens=2,5 delims= " %%a in ('echo.^|date') do (
if not defined date_ set lang_=%%a
if not defined date_ set date_=%%b
if defined debug echo %lang_%
if defined debug echo %date_%
:: Get the date format from the first line of the date command
for /f "tokens=5 delims= " %%a in ('echo.^|date') do (
set dateform_=%%a
if defined debug echo %dateform_%
:: Local, but not that local that it is not English
if not "%lang_%"=="current" (
echo Error: The OS is not in English
goto :EOF
:: Get the order of the date information
set field1=%dateform_:~1,2%
set field2=%dateform_:~4,2%
set field3=%dateform_:~7,2%
if defined debug echo %field1% %field2% %field3%
if defined debug echo.
:: Test and set according to the date format order
:: dd-mm-yy
if "%field1%"=="dd" (
set day_=%date_:~0,2%
if "%field2%"=="mm" (
set month_=%date_:~3,2%
set year_=%date_:~6,4%
:: mm-dd-yy
if "%field1%"=="mm" (
set month_=%date_:~0,2%
if "%field2%"=="dd" (
set day_=%date_:~3,2%
set year_=%date_:~6,4%
:: yy-mm-dd
if "%field1%"=="yy" (
set year_=%date_:~0,4%
if "%field2%"=="mm" (
set month_=%date_:~5,2%
set day_=%date_:~8,2%
:: yy-dd-mm
if "%field1%"=="yy" (
set year_=%date_:~0,4%
if "%field2%"=="dd" (
set day_=%date_:~5,2%
set month_=%date_:~8,2%
:: Display the result
if not defined day_ (
echo Error: Unidentified date format
goto :EOF
echo day_=%day_%
echo month_=%month_%
echo year_=%year_%
endlocal & goto :EOF
The output might be e.g.
dd mm yy
If one has a
UNIX-port date (let's call it
unxdate for distinction) we can have
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
for /f %%a in ('unxdate "+%%Y%%m%%d"') do (
set date_=%%a)
echo date_=%date_%
for /f %%a in ('unxdate "+%%H%%M%%S"') do (
set time_=%%a)
echo time_=%time_%
for /f %%a in ('unxdate "+%%Y%%m%%d%%H%%M%%S"') do (
set datetime_=%%a)
echo datetime_=%datetime_%
endlocal & goto :EOF
The output could be e.g.
There is another Visual Basic Script (VBScript) aided command line
script solution based on the
the Local Time code in the Microsoft TechNet Script Repository. It
requires at least XP.
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
:: Build a Visual Basic Script and run it
set vbs_=%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs
set skip=
findstr "'%skip%VBS" "%~f0" > "%vbs_%"
for /f "tokens=1-6 delims= " %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%vbs_%"') do (
set yyyy_=%%a
set mm_=%%b
set dd_=%%c
set hh_=%%d
set mn_=%%e
set ss_=%%f)
:: Clean up
for %%f in ("%vbs_%") do if exist %%f del %%f
echo yyyy_=%yyyy_%
set mm_=0%mm_%
set mm_=%mm_:~-2%
echo mm_=%mm_%
set dd_=0%dd_%
set dd_=%dd_:~-2%
echo dd_=%dd_%
set hh_=0%hh_%
set hh_=%hh_:~-2%
echo hh_=%hh_%
set mn_=0%mn_%
set mn_=%mn_:~-2%
echo mn_=%mn_%
set ss_=0%ss_%
set ss_=%ss_:~-2%
echo ss_=%ss_%
endlocal & goto :EOF
'The Visual Basic Script 'VBS
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") 'VBS
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_LocalTime") 'VBS
For Each objItem in colItems 'VBS
WScript.StdOut.Write objItem.Year & " " 'VBS
WScript.StdOut.Write objItem.Month & " " 'VBS
Wscript.StdOut.Write objItem.Day & " " 'VBS
Wscript.StdOut.Write objItem.Hour & " " 'VBS
Wscript.StdOut.Write objItem.Minute & " " 'VBS
Wscript.StdOut.WriteLine objItem.Second 'VBS
Next 'VBS
The output could be e.g.
Script in WSH
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
> "%temp%\tmp.js" echo
var D = new Date();
>> "%temp%\tmp.js" echo
D = (D.getFullYear()*100+D.getMonth()+1)*100+D.getDate();
>> "%temp%\tmp.js" echo
for /f %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%temp%\tmp.js"') do set YYYYMMDD=%%a
for %%f in ("%temp%\tmp.js") do if exist %%f del %%f
endlocal & goto :EOF
The output could be e.g.
The date extraction task can be soved in so many ways. If you can get
hold of
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
if defined ProgramW6432 (
echo Exiting: %~f0 is incompatible with 64-bit Windows
goto :EOF)
> tmp$$$.bas echo OPEN "tmp$$$.bat" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
>>tmp$$$.bas echo PRINT #1, "@set date_=";
>>tmp$$$.bas echo PRINT #1, MID$(DATE$,7,4);MID$(DATE$,1,2);MID$(DATE$,4,2)
>>tmp$$$.bas echo CLOSE #1
>>tmp$$$.bas echo SYSTEM
qbasic /run tmp$$$.bas
call tmp$$$.bat
for %%f in (tmp$$$.bas tmp$$$.bat) do if exist %%f del %%f
echo %date_%
endlocal & goto :EOF
How to convert date information into one's own language? An example
can be found in this FAQ e.g. in
Item 300.