It has been quite a long time since I last added an entirely new item
to my Assorted NT/2000/XP/.. CMD.EXE Script Tricks collection
even though I have made some updating of the already existing items
along the way. In November 2017 finally bought a new laptop with a
Windows 10 system. Of course some discrepancies and annoying problems
surfaced. This item rises from a problem I needed to solve for myself.
When one opens the Windows Explorer and right-clicks a photo one gets
the option to rotate the photo. In at least in XP and 7 the original
photo gets rotated, but on my Windows 10 laptop only the thumbnail
appears rotated. The actual photo stays unchanged ("unrotated")! I
needed a working solution.
However, even with the earlier Windows versions there can be problems.
Some of the resolution (or much of it) might be "lost in translation".
The solution below, should avoid also this problem.
My compliments to Irfan Skiljan for his excellent IrfanView. This
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
rem enabledelayedexpansion
rem C:\_F\XTOOLS\Rotate90.cmd
rem C:\_H\PHOTO\IrfanViewCmd.pdf
:: On demand, display the full filename of the current script
if /i "%~1"=="/0" (
call :ProgramTitle
call :CurrentScript "%~f0"
goto _out)
:: Script's defaults
set ir_=C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe
if defined ProgramW6432 set ir_=C:\Program Files (x86)\IrfanView\i_view32.exe
set jh_=C:\_F\BOX\BOXTOOLS\jhead297.exe
if not exist "%ir_%" (
call :ProgramTitle
echo Exiting: Needed program "%ir_%" not found^G
echo For downloading see
goto _out)
if not exist "%jh_%" (
call :ProgramTitle
call :ProgramHelp
echo Exiting: Needed program "%jh_%" not found^G
echo For downloading see
echo Or customize the script, since this is not crucial
goto _out)
:: Help
if "%~1"=="" (call :ProgramTitle & echo. & call :ProgramHelp & goto _out)
if "%~1"=="?" (call :ProgramTitle & echo. & call :ProgramHelp & goto _out)
if "%~1"=="/?" (call :ProgramTitle & echo. & call :ProgramHelp & goto _out)
:: The caption
call :ProgramTitle
:: Check filename format, no wildcards
call :IsWild "%~1" wild_
if defined wild_ goto _out
:: Get and check the other parameters / switches
set NoQuestions=
set RotateLeft=
set Flip=
set par2=%~2
set par3=%~3
set par4=%~4
for %%p in (%par2% %par3% %par4%) do (if /i "%%p"=="/q" set NoQuestions=true)
for %%p in (%par2% %par3% %par4%) do (if /i "%%p"=="/l" set RotateLeft=true)
for %%p in (%par2% %par3% %par4%) do (if /i "%%p"=="/f" set Flip=true)
set error_=true
if defined NoQuestions set error_=
if defined RotateLeft set error_=
if defined Flip set error_=
if "%par2%"=="" set error_=
if defined error_ (
echo Error in parameters, possible causes:^G
echo An unknown parameter
echo A file name with blanks has not been enclosed in parentheses
goto _out)
if defined RotateLeft if defined Flip (
echo Error: Use /F or /L, but not both^G
goto _out)
:: The actual rotation
call :RotateImage "%~1"
goto _outNoPause
:: A conditional pause on my own system. Ignore.
if not defined cmdbox if defined PauseIfFromDesktop pause
endlocal & goto :EOF
rem Parameter value information from IrfanView Command Line Options documentation
rem Transformation rotate 90
rem Optimize
rem Set EXIF date
rem Keep current date
rem Set DPI
rem DPI value2
rem Marker option : Keep all (0), Clean all (1), Custom (2)
:: Perform a lossless rotation of the photo
set fullname_=%~f1
set basename_=%~n1
set ext_=%~x1
set CopyToFolder=C:\_M\Photo Rotation Backup
set trans_=3
if defined Flip set trans_=1
if defined RotateLeft set trans_=5
if not exist "%fullname_%" (
echo File "%fullname_%" not found^G
goto _eofRotateImage)
echo start "" /wait "%ir_%" "%fullname_%" /jpg_rotate=(%trans_%,0,1,0,0,0,0,0) /cmdexit
if defined NoQuestions goto _startRotateImage
call :AskQuestionWithYdefault "Do [n,Y?]" reply_
if "%reply_%"=="n" goto _eofRotateImage
rem If you do not want backups comment away the next three lines below
if not exist "%TargetFolder%\" mkdir "%TargetFolder%"
echo xcopy /v/f/d "%fullname_%" "%CopyToFolder%\"
xcopy /v/f/d "%fullname_%" "%CopyToFolder%\"
start "" /wait "%ir_%" "%fullname_%" /jpg_rotate=(%trans_%,0,1,0,0,0,0,0) /cmdexit
dir "%fullname_%"|find " Directory of "
dir "%fullname_%"|find /i " %basename_%%ext_%"
endlocal & goto :EOF
echo +----------------------------------------------------+
echo ¦ Rotate90.cmd Rotate a .jpg image to the right ¦
echo ¦ By Prof. Timo Salmi, Last modified Sun 19-Nov-2017 ¦
echo +----------------------------------------------------+
goto :EOF
echo Usages:
echo For a single file Rotate90 "filename" [/F] [/L] [/Q]
echo flip -+ ¦ ¦
echo rotate left -+ ¦
echo no questions asked -+
echo For multiple files e.g.
echo for %%f in ("C:\_M\*.JPG") do call Rotate90 "%%~ff" /Q
set itsme_=
if /i "%USERNAME%"=="ts" set itsme_=true
if /i "%USERNAME%"=="es" set itsme_=true
if /i "%USERNAME%"=="tsadmin" set itsme_=true
if not defined itsme_ goto _eofProgramHelp
echo Closely related:
echo JPGSCALE7.CMD /M (From: "C:\_M\*.JPG" resize to C:\_M\Resized1024)
call :AskQuestionWithNdefault "Display related programs' common help [N/y]?" reply_
if "%reply_%"=="y" (call :HelpText "C:\_F\XTOOLS\JPGSCALE.TXT" & goto _out)
goto :EOF
setlocal enableextensions
set return_=
set ask_=
set /p ask_="%~1"
if "%ask_%"=="" set return_=n
if /i "%ask_%"=="n" set return_=n
if /i "%ask_%"=="y" set return_=y
if not defined return_ goto _askthenquestionagain
endlocal & set "%2=%return_%" & goto :EOF
setlocal enableextensions
set return_=
set ask_=
set /p ask_="%~1"
if "%ask_%"=="" set return_=y
if /i "%ask_%"=="y" set return_=y
if /i "%ask_%"=="n" set return_=n
if not defined return_ goto _asktheyquestionagain
endlocal & set "%2=%return_%" & goto :EOF
set return_=
echo %~1|findstr "[*?]">nul
if %errorlevel% GTR 0 goto _endIsWild
echo Parameter: %~1
echo Wildcards are not allowed in the file name^G
echo For multiple files use e.g.:
echo for %%f in ("%~1") do call Rotate90 "%%~ff"
set return_=true
endlocal & set "%2=%return_%" & goto :EOF
set less_=C:\_F\FTOOLS\unxless.exe
if not exist "%less_%" (
echo Exiting: Pager %less_% not found^G
goto _eofHelpText)
set helptext_=%~1
if not exist "%helptext_%" (
echo Exiting: File %helptext_% not found^G
goto _eofHelpText)
"%less_%" -i -S "%helptext_%"
endlocal & goto :EOF
set d_=%~d1
if "%d_%"=="c:" set d_=C:
if "%d_%"=="d:" set d_=D:
if "%d_%"=="e:" set d_=E:
if "%d_%"=="f:" set d_=F:
echo "%d_%%~pnx1"
dir "%d_%%~pnx1"|findstr /i "%~nx1"
endlocal & goto :EOF
:: Only used during my debugging
ping -n %~1>nul
endlocal & goto :EOF
:: Just for debugging, show verbally the value of an environment variable
:ShowVarValue [TheNameOfTheVariable]
set par1_=%~1
call set value_=%%%par1_%%%
echo The value of %~1 is %value_%
endlocal & goto :EOF
An example of the output:
C:\_M>rotate90 Torig2017102606.JPG
¦ Rotate90.cmd Rotate a .jpg image to the right ¦
¦ By Prof. Timo Salmi, Last modified Sun 19-Nov-2017 ¦
start "" /wait "...\i_view32.exe" "C:\_M\Torig2017102606.JPG" /jpg_rotate=(3,0,1,0,0,0,0,0) /cmdexit
Do [n,Y?]y
C:\_M\Torig2017102606.JPG -> C:\_M\Photo Rotation Backup\Torig2017102606.JPG
1 File(s) copied
Directory of C:\_M
26.10.2017 14:51 1,715,376 Torig2017102606.JPG
And voilà, the photo (and the thumbnail) has been rotated 90°.
Be aware, however, that it is not guaranteed that the orientation of
the thumbnail and the actual photo will always tally with each other.
If you found this useful, it is convenient to put a shortcut pointing to
Rotate90.cmd into your user profile's SendTo Folder. Then you can
In this SendTo context Rotate90.cmd can only be used for "Rotate
Right" i.e. clockwise rotation. For a similar right-clickable SendTo
item you just need the following simple
script. And, naturally, a shortcut to it to put in the SendTo folder.