147} What was the time 100 minutes ago?
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
rem The 24h time format is assumed
rem as always is sensible in an international setting
:: Get the current time: hour and minutes
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%a in ('time /t') do (
set hhNow_=%%a
set mmNow_=%%b
:: Remove any leading zeros to avoid the octal trap
for /f "tokens=* delims=0" %%a in ('echo %hhNow_%') do set hhNow_=%%a
for /f "tokens=* delims=0" %%b in ('echo %mmNow_%') do set mmNow_=%%b
:: Current time in minutes since midnight
set /a mmSinceMidnight=60*%hhNow_%+%mmNow_%
:: Display
echo hhNow_ %hhNow_%
echo mmNow_ %mmNow_%
echo mmSinceMidnight %mmSinceMidnight%
:: How many minutes to calculate backwards?
set back_=0
set rollover=
set OutOfRange=
if not "%~1"=="" set back_=%1
if %back_% GTR 1440 set OutOfRange=true
if %back_% LSS 0 set OutOfRange=true
if defined OutOfRange (
echo Parameter %back_% out of range
goto :EOF
:: How many minutes since midnight was back_ minutes ago?
set /a backSinceMidnight=%mmsinceMidnight%-%back_%
if %backSinceMidnight% LSS 0 (
set /a backSinceMidnight=%backSinceMidnight%+24*60
set rollover=true
:: Display
echo backSinceMidnight %backSinceMidnight%
:: Convert the result to hours and minutes
set /a hhBack_=%backSinceMidnight%/60
set /a mmBack_=%backSinceMidnight%-60*%hhBack_%
:: Display
echo hhBack_ %hhBack_%
echo mmBack_ %mmBack_%
if defined rollover echo Yesterday
endlocal & goto :EOF
The output e.g.
C:\_D\TEST>cmdfaq 100
hhNow_ 9
mmNow_ 33
mmSinceMidnight 573
backSinceMidnight 473
hhBack_ 7
mmBack_ 53
The VBScript-aided solution is much more clearcut. And it
spans midnights without any further measures:
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
if "%~1"=="" (
echo Usage: "%~0" MinutesToAdd
goto :EOF)
:: Build a Visual Basic Script and run it
set vbs_=%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs
set skip=
findstr "'%skip%VBS
1" "%~f0" > "%vbs_%"
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%vbs_%"') do (
set DateTimeNow=%%a)
findstr "'%skip%VBS
2" "%~f0" > "%vbs_%"
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('
cscript //nologo "%vbs_%" "%~1" "%DateTimeNow%"') do (
set DateTimeThen=%%a)
:: Clean up
for %%f in ("%vbs_%") do if exist %%f del %%f
echo DateTimeNow =%DateTimeNow%
echo DateTimeThen=%DateTimeThen%
endlocal & goto :EOF
'The First Visual Basic Script
FixedNow=Now 'VBS1
Wscript.Echo FixedNow 'VBS1
'The Second Visual Basic Script
Set arg = WScript.Arguments 'VBS2
Wscript.Echo DateAdd("n", CLng(arg(0)), arg(1)) 'VBS2
The output could be e.g.
C:\_D\TEST>cmdfaq -100
DateTimeNow =17.04.2009 01:23:03
DateTimeThen=16.04.2009 23:43:03
Should you wish to get the date and time elements into separate
environment variables the solution is
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
if "%~1"=="" (
echo Usage: "%~0" MinutesToAdd
goto :EOF)
:: Build a Visual Basic Script and run it
set vbs_=%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs
set skip=
findstr "'%skip%VBS1" "%~f0" > "%vbs_%"
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%vbs_%"') do (
set DateTimeNow=%%a)
findstr "'%skip%VBS2" "%~f0" > "%vbs_%"
for /f "tokens=1-6" %%a in ('
cscript //nologo "%vbs_%" "%~1" "%DateTimeNow%"') do (
set yyyy_=%%a
set mm_=%%b
set dd_=%%c
set hh_=%%d
set nn_=%%e
set ss_=%%f)
:: Clean up
for %%f in ("%vbs_%") do if exist %%f del %%f
echo DateTimeNow =%DateTimeNow%
echo yyyy_=%yyyy_%
echo mm_=%mm_%
echo dd_=%dd_%
echo hh_=%hh_%
echo nn_=%nn_%
echo ss_=%ss_%
endlocal & goto :EOF
'The First Visual Basic Script
FixedNow=Now 'VBS1
Wscript.Echo FixedNow 'VBS1
'The Second Visual Basic Script
Set arg = WScript.Arguments 'VBS2
NewDatetime = DateAdd("n", Eval(arg(0)), arg(1)) 'VBS2
Wscript.StdOut.Write (DatePart("yyyy",NewDateTime)) & " " 'VBS2
Wscript.StdOut.Write Right(0 & DatePart("m",NewDateTime), 2) & " " 'VBS2
Wscript.StdOut.Write Right(0 & DatePart("d",NewDateTime), 2) & " " 'VBS2
Wscript.StdOut.Write Right(0 & DatePart("h",NewDateTime), 2) & " " 'VBS2
Wscript.StdOut.Write Right(0 & DatePart("n",NewDateTime), 2) & " " 'VBS2
Wscript.StdOut.WriteLine Right(0 & DatePart("s",NewDateTime), 2) 'VBS2
The output could be e.g.
C:\_D\TEST>cmdfaq -100
DateTimeNow =17.04.2009 01:23:03
Another example of the output (get a year from now)
C:\_D\TEST>cmdfaq 365*24*60
DateTimeNow =09.05.2009 11:44:31