139} How do I convert UNIX newlines to PC eolns? And vice versa?
The PC eoln (end of line) is an ASCII 13 10 pair.
The UNIX eoln is ASCII 10.
Using SED:
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
rem UNIX newlines to PC eolns
set source_=C:\_M\UNIX.TXT
set target_=C:\_M\PC.TXT
sed -e "s/\x0a/\x0d\x0a/" %source_% > %target_%
endlocal & goto :EOF
Written in a more "filename, handle and program version tolerant" way
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
rem UNIX newlines to PC eolns
set source_=C:\_M\My UNIX test.TXT
set target_=C:\_M\My PC test.TXT
< "%source_%" sed -e "s/\x0a/\x0d\x0a/" > "%target_%"
endlocal & goto :EOF
In fact, any "dummy" sed conversion will do:
sed -e "s/ / /" < "%source_%" > "%target_%"
Using G(nu)AWK
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
rem UNIX newlines to PC eolns
set source_=C:\_M\UNIX.TXT
set target_=C:\_M\PC.TXT
gawk "BEGIN{RS=\"[\012]\"}{print $0}" "%source_%" > "%target_%"
endlocal & goto :EOF
Actually, to convert a text file with UNIX newlines
to PC eolns no third party utilities are necessary:
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
rem UNIX newlines to PC eolns
set source_=C:\_M\My UNIX test.TXT
set target_=C:\_M\My PC test.TXT
more < "%source_%" > "%target_%"
endlocal & goto :EOF
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
rem UNIX newlines to PC eolns
set source_=C:\_M\My UNIX test.TXT
set target_=C:\_M\My PC test.TXT
find /v "" < "%source_%" > "%target_%"
endlocal & goto :EOF
The reverse task, PC --> UNIX eolns can be done
e.g. as follows
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
rem PC eolns to UNIX newlines
set source_=C:\_M\My PC test.TXT
set target_=C:\_M\My UNIX test.TXT
unxtr -d \015 < "%source_%" > "%target_%"
endlocal & goto :EOF
Where \015 is octal for ASCII 13 (decimal).
There naturally also is a number of specialized third-party
utilities to do the conversion, including
Programs for filtering messages, log files, Unix-PC, etc
The reverse task, i.e. converting PC eolns to UNIX newlines is most
naturally done on the UNIX host e.g. with the following Bourne Shell
Filter PC end of lines to Unix end of lines, T.Salmi
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