@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
:: CHOOSE.EXE is a 16-bit executable
if defined ProgramW6432 (
echo Exiting: %~f0 is incompatible with 64-bit Windows
goto :EOF)
:: Test for CHOOSE.EXE availability at path / in the current folder
for %%f in ("CHOOSE.EXE") do set found_=%%~$PATH:f
if exist CHOOSE.EXE set found_=CHOOSE.EXE
if "%found_%"=="" (
echo CHOOSE.EXE choice.com clone not found.
echo Available from
goto :EOF)
echo Press x to exit the loop
set /a i_+=1
choose /n /c:nx /tn,0 > nul
if %errorlevel% NEQ 2 goto
echo i_=%i_%
endlocal & goto :EOF
The output would be e.g.
Press x to exit the loop
i_=37 (cycles)