A touch UNIX port could be used for a more generic handling of the
files' date stamps. For example to have 14.7.2008 13:01 for MyFile.txt
one might have
If MyFile.txt does not exist, an empty file is created (unless a -c
option is used).
Consider a related, somewhat complicated, but instructive task of
taking and setting a file's modified datestamp from another file's
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
if "%~2"=="" (call :ProgramHelp & goto _out)
if "%~1"=="?" (call :ProgramHelp & goto _out)
if "%~1"=="/?" (call :ProgramHelp & goto _out)
:: Assign a value for the temporary folder variable temp_
call :AssignTemp temp_
:: Other assignments
set vbs1_=%temp_%\tmp1$$$.vbs
:: Do the files exist
call :FileNotExist "%~1" notfound_
if defined notfound_ goto _out
call :FileNotExist "%~2" notfound_
if defined notfound_ goto _out
:: Check that an essential auxiliary program is available
call :IsProgramAtPath "unxtouch.exe" uniqfound_
if not defined uniqfound_ (
echo The UNIX-like utility touch.exe from UnxUtils.zip is not avalable
echo Or has NOT been renamed unxtouch.exe as required by this script
echo For UnxUtils.zip see e.g.
goto :_out)
call :GetFileModifiedDate "%~2" fileYYYY fileMM fileDD fileHH fileMN fileSS
:: Remove the rems for debugging
rem call :ShowVarValue fileYYYY
rem call :ShowVarValue fileMM
rem call :ShowVarValue fileDD
rem call :ShowVarValue fileHH
rem call :ShowVarValue fileMN
rem call :ShowVarValue fileSS
set UNIXdateStamp=%fileMM%%fileDD%%fileHH%%fileMN%%fileYYYY%.%fileSS%
rem call :ShowVarValue UNIXdateStamp
:: Touch the first file
call :AskQuestionWithYdefault "Change %~1 datestamp [Y,n]?" doit_
if "%doit_%"=="n" goto :_out
set tz_=%TZ%
set TZ=Europe/Helsinki
unxtouch "%~1" -t%UNIXdateStamp%
set TZ=%tz_%
dir "%~1"|findstr /i "%~nx1"
call :CleanUp
endlocal & goto :EOF
:: ===================================================================
set skip=
>"%vbs1_%" findstr "'%skip%VBS1" "%~f0"
for /f "usebackq tokens=1-6" %%a in (`
cscript //nologo "%vbs1_%" "%~1"`) do (
set retYyyy=%%a
set retMM=%%b
set retDD=%%c
set retHH=%%d
set retMN=%%e
set retSS=%%f)
endlocal & set "%2=%retYyyy%" & set "%3=%retMM%" & set "%4=%retDD%" & set "%5=%retHH%" & set "%6=%retMN%" & set "%7=%retSS%" & goto :EOF
set return_=%temp%
if defined mytemp if exist "%mytemp%\" set return_=%mytemp%
endlocal & set "%1=%return_%" & goto :EOF
for %%f in ("%vbs1_%") do if exist %%f del %%f
goto :EOF
set return_=
if not exist "%~1" (
echo Exiting: File "%~1" not found
set return_=true)
if exist "%~1\" (
echo Exiting: "%~1" is a folder
set return_=true)
endlocal & set "%2=%return_%" & goto :EOF
:IsProgramAtPath SearchFor found_
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
set found_=
for %%f in ("%~1") do set found_="%%~$PATH:f"
if exist "%found_%\" set found_=
if exist "%~1" if not exist "%~1\" set found_="%~1"
if [%found_%]==[""] set found_=
endlocal & set "%~2=%found_%" & goto :EOF
setlocal enableextensions
set return_=
set ask_=
set /p ask_="%~1"
if "%ask_%"=="" set return_=y
if /i "%ask_%"=="y" set return_=y
if /i "%ask_%"=="n" set return_=n
if not defined return_ goto _asktheyquestionagain
endlocal & set "%2=%return_%" & goto :EOF
echo Usage: "%~f0" [FileToBeTouched] [DateStampFrom]
goto :EOF
:: For debugging, show verbally the value of an environment variable
:ShowVarValue TheNameOfTheVariable
set par1_=%~1
call set value_=%%%par1_%%%
echo The value of %~1 is %value_%
endlocal & goto :EOF
' ====================================================================
' A Visual Basic Script to get a file's datestamp
Set arg = WScript.Arguments 'VBS1
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'VBS1
Filename = arg(0) 'VBS1
Set f = fso.GetFile(Filename) 'VBS1
WScript.StdOut.Write DatePart("yyyy",f.DateLastModified) & " " 'VBS1
WScript.StdOut.Write Right(0 & DatePart("m",f.DateLastModified), 2) & " " 'VBS1
WScript.StdOut.Write Right(0 & DatePart("d",f.DateLastModified), 2) & " " 'VBS1
WScript.StdOut.Write Right(0 & DatePart("h",f.DateLastModified), 2) & " " 'VBS1
WScript.StdOut.Write Right(0 & DatePart("n",f.DateLastModified), 2) & " " 'VBS1
WScript.StdOut.Write Right(0 & DatePart("s",f.DateLastModified), 2) & " " 'VBS1