47} Is it possible to echo the redirection symbol in a script?
There are several examples to that effect throughout
FAQ at hand. You may wish to search through the FAQ for instances
of the caret
^ escape
*) Note that on occasion
the caret can also be used to
continue a
command line.
*) The caret is the regular escape character
in cmd.exe command line programming. However, depending on the
circumstances the escape character can (or must) be
as will be seen in the some of the examples below.
An example of echoing the pipe symbol:
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
echo |Hello World!|
endlocal & goto :EOF
will produce
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
echo ^|Hello World!^|
endlocal & goto :EOF
will produce
|Hello World!|
Also note the option of using the following to produce the same result
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
echo ^|Hello World^^!^|
endlocal & goto :EOF
It is not the only method, though, as reminded in
Google Groups Dec 29 2003, 2:39 am [
The line below is an exact extract from that message:
<nul (set /p z="<this>|<is>|<only>|<a>|<TEST>")>out.txt
A second option to produce the said text is
for %%a in ("<this>|<is>|<only>|<a>|<TEST>") do echo %%~a
which also will give you
The difference is that set /p method will not produce a
new line while the second one will.
You could also write
for /f "delims=" %%a in ("<this>|<is>|<only>|<a>|<TEST>") do echo %%~a
One way of producing any character is using
For example, to produce the redirection symbol (>) Hex 3E apply
gawk 'BEGIN{print "\x3E\n"}'
or with GnuWin32 gawk (let's call it unxgawk)
unxgawk "BEGIN{print \"\x3E\n\"}"
or, in octal
unxgawk "BEGIN{print \"\076\n\"}"
Note that in the UNIX-originating gawk the escape
character is
\ not ^ hence the
Likewise, VBScript could be used
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
>"%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs" echo WScript.Echo "Redirection symbol >"
cscript //nologo "%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs"
for %%f in ("%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs") do if exist %%f del %%f
endlocal & goto :EOF
The output would be
Redirection symbol >
Or, more generally
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
>"%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs" echo WScript.Echo "Any valid symbol " +
cscript //nologo "%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs"
for %%f in ("%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs") do if exist %%f del %%f
endlocal & goto :EOF
The output would be
Any valid symbol >
Also the methods presented in the MS-DOS+Win..95/98/ME FAQ item
"38) Is it possible to echo the redirection symbol in a batch?"
should work. But these are just additional, complicated ways of
doing what is already covered by the ^ escape character.
Furthermore, consider the following example demonstrating a difference
between MS-DOS+Win../95/98/Me COMMAND.COM batches and NT/2000/XP
CMD.EXE scripts. The user wishes to echo the ampersand (&)
character. For the former neither the caret ^ nor the ampersand &
has a special meaning while for the latter they do. For CMD.EXE the
caret in the escape character and the ampersand & the multiple
commands on one command line character. Thus given
@echo off
echo &
echo ^&
MS-DOS+Win../95/98/Me will produce
while NT/2000/XP will produce
ECHO is off.
Hence for NT/2000/XP the solution is
@echo off
echo Echoing the ^& ampersand
The NT/2000/XP special characters which require escaping are
Let's take an example. How does one echo the following from within
a command script?
The answer
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
rem Alternative 1
echo ^^null@uwasa\.fi$
rem Alternative 2
for %%i in ("^null@uwasa\.fi$") do echo %%~i
endlocal & goto :EOF
One alternative, just for demonstration, is
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions %void%
goto MainScript %void%
:MainScript %void%
findstr /v /c:"void" "%~0" %void%
endlocal & goto :EOF %void%
The output
Escaping must be done the right number of times. For example
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
for %%i in ("yes ^& no") do echo %%~i
endlocal & goto :EOF
will produce
yes ^& no
because the quotes already effect the escaping once. That same output
would, of course, also be produced by
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
echo yes ^^^& no
endlocal & goto :EOF
demonstrating the need to escape exactly the right number of times to
get the results one may be striving at.
A question from microsoft.public.win2000.cmdprompt.admin:
I (Tom) am trying to have a BAT file generate another BAT file. In
that target BAT file, I would like to write values like:
CALL MyBatFile.bat %1 %2 > MyTargetOutputFile
I tried executing the following command...
echo "CALL MyBatFile.bat %1 %2 > MyTargetOutputFile" >> NewBatFile.bat
Of course the %1 and %2 are getting substituted (I just want the
literal values %1 and %2 written). Furthermore the first > tries
to pipe the output to MyTargetOutputFile (I also wanted ">
MyTargetOutputFile" to be written to the NewBatFile.bat. Is there
any way to do what I want?
The answer:
echo CALL MyBatFile.bat %%1 %%2 ^> MyTargetOutputFile >> NewBatFile.bat
A somewhat similar question to echoing a redirection character is the
how to echo a % from within a
@echo off
echo Give it a 100
Give it a 100%
Consider another special demonstration
@echo off
echo "&"
set /a decand_=121 "&" 145
echo %decand_%
The output will be
Why the
17? Because "&" is an
escaped bitwise AND as per e.g.
item #102.
a further example of an "irregular" escape character in cmd.exe
command line programming:
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
findstr /a:0E /s /p /i "
\"" C:\_G\*.HTM
endlocal & goto :EOF
The ouput could be e.g.
The cases matched in the above example were -x"*.*" and -x "*.*"
> I have a file (saytest.txt) which includes the following line
> 3EPlus v4.0 (C:\Program Files\3EPlus4\)
>How do I match it with FINDSTR? It does not seem to work.
This is exactly what has been covered in this item. It is about the
escape characters. The relevant search is
findstr /c:"3EPlus v4.0 (C:\\Program Files\\3EPlus4\\)" test.txt
Consider a real-life example involving among other things echoing
< and
The task is about converting between the email address book formats of
different programs.
In the address book of the UNIX elm the format of an invidiual adress
tsuvasa = Timo Salmi = ts@uvasa.fi
In Thunderbird the format is the very common
Timo Salmi <ts@uvasa.fi>
and in the CSV (Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values File) format
,,Timo Salmi,,ts@uvasa.fi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Given an elm address book, the task is 1) to pick an address based on the
first field (called the alias) and to convert the found address into
2) the Thunderbird compliant format, and 3) the CSV format.
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
echo +----------------------------------------------------+
echo ¦ ELMC.CMD Expand a UNIX elm email alias ¦
echo ¦ By prof. Timo Salmi, Last modified Sat 22-Nov-2008 ¦
echo +----------------------------------------------------+
:: Set the relevant environment variables
set vbs_=%temp%\tmp$$$.vbs
set source_=C:\ELM\ALIASES.TEXT
set alias_=%~1
:: Is help asked for
if "%~1"=="" goto _help
if "%~1"=="?" goto _help
if "%~1"=="/?" goto _help
:: Is the alias present in the aliases file
findstr /b /i /c:"%alias_%
" "%source_%">nul
if %errorlevel% GTR 0 (
echo Alias %alias_% not found in "%source_%"
goto _out)
:: Echo the relevant line from the elm aliases file
findstr /b /i /c:"%alias_% " "%source_%"
:: Establish the name and the address, untrimmed, allow apostrophes
for /f "tokens=2-3 usebackq delims==" %%a in (`
findstr /b /i /c:"%alias_% " "%source_%"`) do (
set name_=%%a
set addr_=%%b)
:: Remove any quote (") characters
set name_=%name_:"=%
set addr_=%addr_:"=%
:: Trim the name and the address, i.e. remove leading and trailing blanks
>"%vbs_%" echo WScript.Echo Trim("%name_%")
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (
'cscript //nologo "%vbs_%"') do set name_=%%a
>"%vbs_%" echo WScript.Echo Trim("%addr_%")
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (
'cscript //nologo "%vbs_%"') do set addr_=%%a
:: Display the results
for %%a in ("<%addr_%>") do echo %name_% %%~a
echo ,,%name_%,,%addr_%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
goto _out
echo Usage: ELMC alias
goto _out
for %%f in ("%vbs_%") do if exist %%f del %%f
endlocal & goto :EOF
The output will be
C:\_D\TEST>ELMC tsuvasa
¦ ELMC.CMD Expand a UNIX elm email alias ¦
¦ By prof. Timo Salmi, Last modified Sat 22-Nov-2008 ¦
tsuvasa = Timo Salmi = ts@uvasa.fi
Timo Salmi <ts@uvasa.fi>
,,Timo Salmi,,ts@uvasa.fi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,