44} How do I get the first 68 columns from a text file?
Actually, needed this one for my own tasks.
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
set filename_=myfile.txt
if not exist "%filename_%" (
echo File "%filename_%" not found
goto :EOF)
if exist "outfile.txt" del "outfile.txt"
for /f "delims=" %%r in ('type "%filename_%"') do call :WriteLine68 %%r
dir "outfile.txt"
endlocal & goto :EOF
:: ============================
setlocal enableextensions
set line_=%*
endlocal & goto :EOF
Be aware of the
limitations inherent to
CMD.EXE. The empty lines will be deleted, special symbols such as >
and single %:s dropped, %% reduced to %, and so on. Thus, the
usefulness depends on the circumstances of the application.
Consequently, a Visual Basic Script (VBScript) aided command line
script solution can be written which does not have these
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
:: Where from and where to
set infile_=C:\_M\myfile.txt
set outfile_=C:\_M\outfile.txt
if not exist "%infile_%" (
echo File "%infile_%" not found
goto :EOF)
if exist "%outfile_%" del "%outfile_%"
:: Build a Visual Basic Script
set temp_=%temp%
if defined mytemp if exist "%mytemp%\" set temp_=%mytemp%
set skip=
findstr "'%skip%VBS" "%~f0" > "%temp_%\tmp$$$.vbs"
:: Run the VBS script with Microsoft Windows Script Host Version 5.6
cscript //nologo "%temp_%\tmp$$$.vbs" "%infile_%" "%outfile_%"
:: Clean up
for %%f in ("%temp_%\tmp$$$.vbs") do if exist "%%~f" del "%%~f"
:: Display
type "%outfile_%"
endlocal & goto :EOF
'The Visual Basic Script
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8 'VBS
Dim fso, arg, f1, f2, line 'VBS
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'VBS
Set arg = WScript.Arguments 'VBS
Set f1 = fso.OpenTextFile(arg(0), ForReading, True) 'VBS
Set f2 = fso.OpenTextFile(arg(1), ForWriting, True) 'VBS
Do While Not f1.AtEndOfStream 'VBS
line = f1.ReadLine 'VBS
Mid(line, 1, 68) 'VBS
Loop 'VBS
f2.Close 'VBS
However, by far the easiest solution to write is
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
set filename_=C:\_M\myfile.txt
if not exist "%filename_%" (
echo File "%filename_%" not found
goto :EOF)
rem Usage: substr(STRING, START, LENGTH)
strftime(substr($0,1,68))}' "%filename_%"
endlocal & goto :EOF
In the "vernacular" of the GnuWin32 gawk port (let's call it unxgawk)
one has to adjust the syntax to
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
set filename_=C:\_M\myfile.txt
if not exist "%filename_%" (
echo File "%filename_%" not found
goto :EOF)
endlocal & goto :EOF