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114} How do I pick a file's lines that are three characters long?
Q: I have a text file with a list of around 900 names in it. I'd like
to be able to retrieve all the names that are three characters long.
The method is an adaptation of items
of this FAQ.
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('type myfile.txt') do (
set name_=%%a
set charCount=0
for /l %%c in (0,1,255) do (
set si=!name_:~%%c,1!
if defined si set /a charCount+=1)
if !charCount! EQU 3 echo !name_!
endlocal & goto :EOF
This method cannot handle names with the "poison characters".
However, a much simpler and still an all-script solution is
findstr "^...$" "My test file.txt"
sed it would be
<"My test file.txt" sed -n "s/^...$/&/p"
Note the redirection formulation instead of using
sed -n "s/^...$/&/p" "My test file.txt"
which may fail depending on the SED port version LFN handling.
<"My test file.txt" gawk "{if(length()==3)printf\"%%s\n\",$0}"
What if you want all the names that are three or less characters
findstr "^.$ ^..$ ^...$" "My test file.txt"