This page is edited from the 1cmdfaq.txt faq-file contained in
command line interface (CLI) collection. That zipped file has much
additional material, including a number of detached .cmd script
files. It is recommended that you also get the zipped version as a
Please see "
The Description and
the Index page" for the conditions of usage and other such
78} Is it possible automatically to record my logon times into a file?
This is reasonably simple. You'll need the following kind of a
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
echo Logon: %USERNAME% %COMPUTERNAME% %date% %time%>>C:\wherever\logon.txt
endlocal & goto :EOF
Right-click the "start" in the lower left corner
Choose "Explore"
Choose the "Programs" folder
Choose the "Startup" forlder. Create if need be.
Click "File" in the upper left toolbar
Click "New"
Click "Shortcut"
In the Wizard browse to your script
That's it. Next time you reboot, there will be an entry in your log.
If you wish to reverse the timeline, that is to have the lastest
entry on top, then e.g.
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
if not defined temp goto :EOF
echo Logon: %USERNAME% %COMPUTERNAME% %date% %time%>"%temp%\logon1.tmp"
set target_=C:\logon.txt
if not exist "%target_%" (
copy /y "%temp%\logon1.tmp" "%target_%" > nul
goto _out
copy "%target_%" "%temp%\logon2.tmp" > nul
copy /y "%temp%\logon1.tmp" + "%temp%\logon2.tmp" "%target_%" > nul
for %%f in ("%temp%\logon1.tmp" "%temp%\logon2.tmp") do if exist %%f del %%f
endlocal & goto :EOF
Customize the destination of the log file C:\logon.txt if you do not
have write permissions to the root directory of drive C:.
The logon.txt file might look someting like
Logon: ts GARFIELD 26.10.2004 10:36:11.13
Logon: ts GARFIELD 25.10.2004 8:33:36.79
Logon: ts GARFIELD 24.10.2004 9:12:31.65
A sideline. The above assumes that there are no spaces in the %temp%
path. It is customary to use the 8+3 format for the temp variable to
avoid complications with spaces. E.g. one might have temp as
item #39
for an example.
Incidentally, how does one permanently set an environment variable
value in XP? (Also see
item #2.)
Right click: My Computer
Choose Properties
Choose Advanced
Click "Environment Variables"
For User variables click New
Define Variable Value
What likewise about logout? See
item #71.
Just add
echo Logout: %USERNAME% %COMPUTERNAME% %date% %time%>>C:\wherever\logon.txt
before the shutdown line.